
Articles and tips around self-improvement, energy management, discipline, philosophy and harsh-truths.

The most important things you need to know to prioritize in business and your private life!

Reading Time: 9 minutes Recently I got asked in one of my coaching sessions how to manage the constant amount of conflicting requests that arise. How do you prioritize? What is the best investment of time? How do you communicate if you say no to something? That made me pause as I did not have an immediate good answer […]

The most important things you need to know to prioritize in business and your private life! Read More »

The Art of Writing Professional Emails: How to Communicate Effectively in the Workplace

Reading Time: 4 minutes According to a survey in 2019, email is the most frequently used communication tool in the workplace, with 77.8 % of respondents citing it as their primary form of communication This is followed by face-to-face conversations (51.2%), instant messaging (47.7%), telephone calls (44%), and text messaging (37%). Considering this fact it is high time you

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The Eisenhower matrix explained

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Eisenhower Matrix is a method of prioritizing your tasks on the basis of their urgency. It helps to determine the activities that are important and the ones that do not deserve your attention at all. The Eisenhower Matrix was created by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the USA. One of his famous quotes is,

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The Pomodoro technique explained

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is the Pomodoro Technique and where did it come from? The Pomodoro Technique was created by Italian student Francesco Cirillo in the 1980’s.  He discovered that if he broke up his study time into small intervals, it helped him to focus better.   The Pomodoro Technique is extremely simple to implement.  The basic premise is that you work on

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How to sleep better

Reading Time: 2 minutes Learning how to sleep better will improve your mood, health and wellness. Insufficient rest can cause our body to produce increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, so getting a good night’s sleep can improve your cognitive abilities, boost your productivity and your mental health.  Here are some top tips on how to sleep better:

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How to manage your energy for more productivity

Reading Time: 2 minutes Our bodies have natural energy cycles, and when we tune into those cycles and work with them instead of against them, things feel easier.  You can get into flow more easily.  Have you ever completed a task one day and it feel simple and quick, but another day the same task feels like wading through

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How to make gratitude a part of your daily practice for more resilience

Reading Time: 2 minutes Making gratitude a daily habit can help to retrain our minds and help us to be grateful for even the smallest things in life. It can help to refocus on the things that we have, not on what may be lacking in our lives. And of course, spreading your gratitude and positivity will have a

How to make gratitude a part of your daily practice for more resilience Read More »

Habits explained part 5: Reward

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the mini-article, Habits explained part 4: Routine/Response we discussed how to structure routines/responses. We repeat what is immediately awarded and we avoid what is immediately punished, this is why the last step in the habit loop is the reward. In this short article, we discuss how to make use of the reward mechanism for your

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