The importance of self-care

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When you’re passionate about something, it’s very tempting to keep working, even when you feel tired. We’ve all done it… You work through your lunch break and sometimes forget to eat all day. I’ve even forgotten to go to the toilet, then at 8pm I realise that my bladder is about to burst.

It’s not good for our bodies and it’s certainly not good for our mind. Working yourself to the bone might get you results faster, but you aren’t going to be well enough to enjoy the success. Your work will suffer and all of that extra time you put in when you weren’t looking after yourself will be wasted anyway.

Here are some of the main signs that you’re not prioritizing self-care and what you can do about it.

  • Feeling tired and lethargic all of the time. This is a sure sign that you aren’t getting enough sleep, but also that you aren’t feeding your body the right things. You need nutritional food to get you through the day, so make sure you are eating small meals regularly throughout the day.  Five or six small meals are much better than one or two large meals. Make sure you are getting enough fruit and vegetables and if you can’t include more in your diet, take some multi-vitamins. Getting enough sleep is also extremely important. Every person needs a different amount of sleep to stay healthy, so I’m not going to tell you how many hours of sleep you should have. Experiment with different amounts and see what works for you. 
  • You get frequent headaches. This is one of the main symptoms of dehydration and is a tell-tale sign you’re not drinking enough. As with sleep, everyone needs a different amount of water to be fully hydrated, so there is no magic number. Try keeping a bottle of water with you at all times and sip from it consistently throughout the day.
  • Forgetting things on a regular basis. Being forgetful and frazzled means your brain isn’t focusing properly and that is a major sign you are not taking enough time for self-care. Take regular breaks, get plenty of sleep, and drink lots of water. Taking a couple of days off work will do you the world of good and could be the difference between you coming back fighting strong or having a meltdown.
  • Getting emotional or your mood shifting rapidly. Another major sign that you’re skimping on self-care. My top tip for this would be to take a relaxing break. Try a warm bath with aromatherapy oils and a good book or relaxing music, then get plenty of sleep. Another good remedy for this is a long walk. Try going for a walk a few times a week and your mood should level out.

Obviously, if any of these symptoms persist for more than a week or two, you should consult a doctor. These remedies are only suggestions to help you prioritize self-care and avoid burn-out and are in no way medical advice.

Self-care is a very personal thing and can look different for everyone.  Here are just a few examples of self-care activities for you to try:

  • Write in your journal
  • Call a friend
  • Exercise or play a sport you like
  • Go for a walk
  • Have a warm bath
  • Read a chapter of your favourite book
  • Cook your favourite meal
  • Listen to your favourite music.

Fitting self-care into your daily routine will do wonders for your mental and physical health, and reduce the likelihood of burn-out.