Tips for structuring your day to be productive

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Master your Morning:

Master your morning with these five tips and you will soon be jumping out of bed ready to kick-start your day… 

  • Start with exercise or movement: Just 5-10 minutes of exercise in your morning routine will boost you for the rest of the day.
    Whether that be some gentle yoga or a full-on HIIT session, you’ll be bursting with energy to carry you through the rest of the day. 
  • Drink lots of water: I’m a coffee addict and I can’t start my day without at least two or three cups of the good stuff but going through your day dehydrated is going to make you feel sluggish. Try to drink a glass of water before your first coffee, then a glass in between each cup… You’ll notice a huge difference in your energy and focus! 
  • Write in your journal or do morning pages: When you first wake up, you haven’t yet turned on your inner editor and it will be much easier to write down your thoughts. Write down anything that comes to mind for a set period – say 5-10 minutes. Not only will you be able to catch all those killer ideas, but you’ll also feel less stressed. 
  • Plan your day: If you use a planner, make good use of it – if you don’t, get one! Planning your day makes sure you know what you need to do, when, and how. So, if you feel a bit restless, or lose focus, take a look at your plan and follow through on your daily goals. 
  • Dress appropriately: This tip is more for the home-workers. Yes, it’s a perk of the job that you can lie on the sofa in your coffee-stained pj’s while working away on your laptop. However, it doesn’t make you feel very good about yourself, does it? If you get up, have a shower, fix your hair, and put on your business attire, you feel more professional – and will act more professionally. It will give you more confidence when talking to prospective clients – I mean, how confident can you feel in pajamas?

Use Time Blocking:

Time blocking works on the basic principle that you work for a set period, ideally, 45 minutes, focused solely on one task.  After 45 minutes of focused work, you will then take a 15-minute break.

When you try to multitask or switch between multiple tasks without a break, studies have shown this can make you less productive and increases the number of errors in your work.  Working in short bursts of focused time, followed by a break can keep your mind fresh and boost your productivity.  You’d be amazed at how much work you can get through in 45 minutes when your body and mind are rested and focused!  Here are some tips for using time blocking in your day:

  • Plan out your chunks of time: Make sure you know what task you will be working on next to limit the temptation of procrastination.
  • Set a timer: Instead of clock-watching, set a timer with an alarm to alert you when your sessions start and end.
  • Limit distractions: Put your phone on airplane mode, limit your internet access and most definitely stay away from social media.  Work blocks are for work only.
  • Make the most of your breaks: During your breaks try to get away from your screens and move your body.  If you can, get outside for some fresh air and away from your work area.

Time blocking is a continuous process, so make sure you are constantly recording and evaluating how you spend your time to supercharge your productivity and improve your health and work.